The Story of Gillian Lynne

This animation, narrated by Ken Robinson, tells the story of the award winning dancer Gillian Lynne. It emphasises the importance of individuality within our schools.
Society today is too quick to label children with a problem if they appear to be ‘different’ to their peers. Conditions such as ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are handed out and immediately surround the child with negativity and a belief that they are not as fortunate as other ‘normal’ children. However, maybe it is that our generalised society that doesn’t quite suit that child, and we should adapt our way of thinking and discover a suitable environment for their individual needs. You don’t hear of many adults with these conditions, but when you think of some of the most successful and influential artists, actors, musicians and inventors in our history, wouldn’t it be interesting to consider who may have been given that label if they were children today?

I have done a little research into this and here are just a few famous names who have been diagnosed with ADHD.

Walt Disney, JFK, Richard Branson, Albert Einstein, Justin Timberlake, Channing Tatum and swimmer Michael Phelps.

A wide and varied list, giving a snapshot into the success and creativity which can be achieved. It is time to stop labelling children and instead celebrate their individuality, personality and unique traits. They can achieve just as much as anyone else, maybe even more…

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